It takes a Village to raise a child and to honor a parent.

We all have villages within us and around us.

Attend to and enhance your villages.

Quiet Service
Lonnise H Gilley Lonnise H Gilley

Quiet Service

What is the “why” for public education? I believe it has nothing to do with outdated, overrated standardized test scores. These support government positions and platforms that have essentially nothing to do with the inspiration and empowerment of our youth’s curiosity and learning. To be the change we want to see in the world and to create a world in which we want our 7th generation to live we need to be teaching and nourishing critical thinking, emotional intelligence, empathy, listening, and innovative problem solving.

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The Village Within
Lonnise H Gilley Lonnise H Gilley

The Village Within

Dependent? Independent? Yes I can independently depend on myself, but I choose interdependence instead.

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