Who am I?

Lonnise H. Gilley, October 2018

Lonnise H. Gilley, October 2018, photo by James M. Greene

Human. Daughter. Wife. Nature lover. Gratitude practitioner. Impermanence celebrator. Now blogger?

  Why am I doing this?

This is based on the framework of Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle and advice to “Start with Why”. My “Why”: Empowering humanity to sustain the change our world needs to flourish. My “How”: Writing, conversing, reading, gardening, appreciating art and music, traveling, and most of all listening to all Nature’s beings. My next “What” - hmmm. Not yet sure.

The COVID-19 Pandemic (now going on 24 months long) is giving me the opportunity to do an enormous amount of introspection and reflection on what really matters to me and what my purpose can be in this phase of my life’s journey. It wasn’t how I’d planned to spend the first few years of retirement, which started in June of 2018, I thought my husband and I would resume traveling this country and the world as had been our latest dream. Instead, I found myself traveling through my thinking, my story, and my feelings. I spent (and continue to invest) a great deal of time reading books, listening to PodCasts, and having “socially distant” conversations on subjects that spark my passions. I am now wanting to share my (ongoing) “travels” with those who have a similar set of passions. And I want to continue to refine my understanding and the language I use to convey it by listening to those with differing views, experiences, and opinions.

One essential motivator to my “taking this public” (in addition to having to stay socially distant), is that I want to provide seats at the infinite internet table for intersectional conversations and resultant action. I believe that every human has more than a few gifts to offer the world. And I believe humans have evolved and continued to exist because of our social connectedness. Some humans have melanin levels, facial features, gender, and the economics of zip code (or country code) impede, or worse, eliminate the availability of opportunities to live best lives. All of us need to use what we have to lift up those around us and eliminate systemic barriers. My gifts are my curiosity, ability to learn, willingness to change, and desire to leave this biosphere a better place for having inhabited it. I hope this site will be used to champion power-to and power-with, offer a nonjudgemental place to challenge thinking and start difficult conversations through which we can all grow and reap the benefits of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

I love Susan Kerby’s quote: “Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported.” Let this site be one way I achieve that purpose. Join me, won’t you?