Human beings are JUST one species in a Biosphere of beings.
If not you, who? If not now, when?
Waldeinsamkeit & Smultronställe
On this earth day I find the German word Waldeinsamkeit and the Swedish word Smultronställe to be my perfect mantras. Such powerful words of experience and feeling. I wish English had words of this magnitude. So many reasons to embrace other cultures, and other languages. Humans do have “a way with words”. Now let’s develop an equally diverse and reverent way with nurturing, appreciating and showing our gratitude for nature and our planet.
This world will continue, with or without humans
Chief Lyons’ message sounded so similar to that of Sitting Bull and reaffirmed my belief in the wisdom of indigenous peoples. I so want our current culture, especially the children for whom the future exists to embrace and embody this wisdom. We adults have much still to learn from our elders and our youngsters.
Sustainable living choices and actions
Carbon Coin - now that’s a currency that makes sense (not cents)! Time to put our money where are values are, which means we need a new kind of money, no?
Where do we start to “heal” the Climate Crisis?
A thoughtful set of discussions on how we have contributed to climate change and what we can continue to do “to it” or “about it”.
Learn from everything
The plants and other animals can teach us if we choose to learn. The whole (of this Universe) can be greater than the sum of its parts if we are willing to see the interconnectivity, celebrate and strengthen it.
Decolonizing Conquest Consciousness, Melissa K. Nelson,
The only control we adult humans truly have is over our choices, attitudes and perspectives. Can we choose to live as an integral and contributing part of planet earth or are we doomed to the ignorant insecurity of having to exert dominance over all as our “legacy”?