Is Humankind an oxymoron?

Let’s start being KIND humans!

Oppression; power over versus power to and power with
Lonnise H Gilley Lonnise H Gilley

Oppression; power over versus power to and power with

Photo by <a href="

Women in every group of humans worldwide have not been “trained” to use violence and exploitation as growth or defensive behaviors. We should use that gift to help bring people together and achieve the greatest benefits of supporting systems and institutions built on and through power-to and -with the people they are designed to serve.

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Anti-bias + Anti-racist = Kindness.
Lonnise H Gilley Lonnise H Gilley

Anti-bias + Anti-racist = Kindness.

Photo by Lonnise Gilley

Anti-bias, anti-racist behavior is valuing kindness, and kindness should be intentional not random.

Systems, institutions and “social conventions” are intentional as well and it’s time we make sure we are dismantle any that perpetuate bias, and racism.

Kindness and niceness are not synonyms. Kindness is transparent, judgement-free, and purposefully holding space for others. Kindness values diversity and promotes interdependence. I choose to be a KIND human.

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History = His+Story?  What was the reality?
Lonnise H Gilley Lonnise H Gilley

History = His+Story? What was the reality?

Photo by Rob Gilley

What kind of human society are we really? How will the classrooms of 2070 teach our reality? Reality is influenced by lens, but facts are not. Let’s be real, let’s acknowledge historic reality, and commit to changing the present so our future aligns with the American ideals. We must stop pretending our existing institutions promote and provide equal opportunity for more than just the privileged.

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