History = His+Story? What was the reality?
The controversy over teaching “Critical Race Theory” makes no sense to me. We expect students to think critically and analytically about all they learn/know and (hopefully) respond with honesty, empathy and kindness instead of reacting with fear or shame, (often expressed as anger or denial). Acceptance of facts is not synonymous to agreement with or sanctioning of causal intention.
So often human society (especially here in the USA) has excused its behavior in an ends-justifies-the-means manner. Worse yet, humans have literally made up falsehoods to justify cruel, inhumane, fearful, behavior that has perpetuated unimaginable harm and suffering to other beings in our country (human and otherwise). Acknowledging and owning this as “what we used to do” is the first step in stopping its continuance. Is that the problem? We don’t really want to stop being unkind; inhumane in fact? How are we to progress when we deny the historic facts of how we got here?
Listen to this summary of Critical Race Theory in the Podcast First Name Basis. Learn more about the facts, and then, please share with me why this shouldn’t be taught to our children and recognized by adults as a start to being KIND humans = “humankind” versus “human type” creatures. How do we want our societies (and our country) to be remembered and taught in future factual history lessons? In what kind of society do we want our great grandchildren to live?